PPATEC Water Heater Basics

PPA Technical Education Center 911 S. Eisenhower Blvd, Middletown, PA, United States

This class will go over the basics for installation, troubleshooting, and service for the water heaters in common use today. Including electric, natural gas or propane, and tankless models.   This class will cover installation requirements for all types of water heaters, including electrical connections, venting, and gas piping requirements. The class will cover maintenance and


PPATEC Creating a Problem Free Boiler Installation

PPA Technical Education Center 911 S. Eisenhower Blvd, Middletown, PA, United States

This course will cover choosing the proper boiler, determine flow and pipe sizing, choosing a circulator, review heating systems such as Series Loop, 1 Pipe, 2 Pipe, MonoFlo, boiler components and application, boiler venting and combustion air methods, cast iron to high efficiency boiler retrofits, general troubleshooting of HE boiler components.        
