PPATEC Basic A/C Operation, Start Up, & Servicing

PPA Technical Education Center 911 S. Eisenhower Blvd, Middletown, PA, United States

This class will provide the basics to help entry level A/C installers complete better field installations. This will be accomplished by better understanding airflow set up, adjusting charge, and an overview of low voltage wiring. Service technicians will also benefit from attending this class to better prepare for the upcoming cooling season. Basic A/C Operation,


PPATEC ACCAs Practical HVAC Beyond the Box Diagnostics

PPA Technical Education Center 911 S. Eisenhower Blvd, Middletown, PA, United States

Description This course provides a fundamental turning point for your Service Technicians, Installers, Sales Advisors, Production Managers, and Service Managers to transition to an improved and consistent performance level successfully. This training forces an enhanced and consistent performance level, reducing liabilities, increasing knowledge, and ramping sales opportunities. Anyone can sell another box, but this is
