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Heat Pump AC Service & Troubleshooting Training—Bridgeton

APR Supply Co. - Bridgeton 756 North Pearl Street, Bridgeton

This program is designed to provide an understanding of residential heat pump technology. It will provide learners with the essential skills necessary to install, diagnose, and maintain residential heat pump


UEI Instruments Counter Day—Newark

APR Supply Co - Newark 718 Stanton Christiana Road, Newark

YOU’RE INVITED! Join us for an UEI Test Instruments Counter Day! Meet the rep, check out the products, and enjoy light refreshments!

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Low Voltage Controls & Wiring—Bridgeton

APR Supply Co. - Bridgeton 756 North Pearl Street, Bridgeton

This is electrical theory put to practical use. The class covers conventional 24V controls and wiring, dual fuel controls, and Wi-Fi and Internet connectivity. There will also be a section
