A2L Refrigerant Training & Certification—York, PA
April 8 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
The HVACR industry is transitioning away from equipment that uses R-410A in favor of new equipment with Low GWP Refrigerants such as R-32 and R-454B. Our trainers will teach you to properly handle, store and transport Low GWP Refrigerants. Please note, APR Supply Co. will provide the training, course materials and test. Test results are mailed to ESCO Institute and graded solely by ESCO.
Did you know?
·These are classified as A2L refrigerants, or mildly flammable by ASHRAE?
·That most systems will have refrigerant detection systems on board that can shut a system down in the event of a leak?
·How you store and transport refrigerant cylinders will change?
Trainer: Andrew Bream
Please note: Beginning fall 2024, APR Supply Co. will be implementing a new payment and cancellation policy. Please click here to view these new stipulations.
*Includes light breakfast, full lunch, and all class materials